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How to stop your phone overheating

If you're a smartphone user, you've probably experienced the problem of your phone overheating. It's not just an inconvenience—it can also have serious consequences for your phone, including the potential for damage or even fire if it gets too hot or cold. Fortunately, there are some simple steps that will help keep your handset cool and avoid problems down the road:

Ensure your phone is running the latest software

You can update your phone's software by going to Settings and then Software Update. You'll be prompted to download an update, which will take some time. Once the download begins, you'll be asked if you want to install it; click "Yes" if so and wait for it to finish installing before turning off your phone or restarting it.

If you're not sure whether or not your device is up-to-date with its latest version of Android operating system (OS), try checking this website:


Update your phone's apps

Update your phone's apps regularly. This can help prevent an overheating problem. Make sure you are running the latest version of the app and check for compatibility issues before installing it on your phone. If you are having issues with an app, try uninstalling and reinstalling it.

Check for app compatibility issues

  • Check for app compatibility issues.

  • Make sure your phone is running the latest software. If you're using an older version of Android, there's a good chance that some apps will not work on it and could cause your device to overheat.

  • Remove battery-hogging apps. If you have a third party launcher or live wallpaper running in the background, they can keep your phone from charging—and thus make it more likely that it will overheat when plugged in or running off battery power alone.[1]

Remove battery-hogging apps

If you're using your phone to play games, watch videos and listen to music all day long, it's no wonder that battery life gets shorter and shorter.

  • Removing apps that use a lot of data will help conserve precious energy.

  • Apps running in the background can also be draining battery power by keeping certain functionality active even when they aren't needed. You can find an app's settings by tapping on its icon in the app tray (or swiping up from the bottom of your screen). Tap "Settings" at the top right corner of this page for more options about how much information each application has access to on your device; if one seems suspiciously high-powered compared with others nearby—and especially if it uses lots of memory—consider switching off or deleting it altogether!

Restart your phone

To stop your phone from overheating, you can restart it. The easiest way to do this is by turning off your phone and waiting for a few minutes before turning it back on. If your phone still continues to overheat, repeat this step until the problem stops occurring.

Turn off Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth

To stop your phone overheating, you can turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not in use. For Android users, this means turning these features off from the Settings menu. On iPhone, go to Settings > General > About > Software Version to see if there's an update available for your handset that includes these new settings—or head into Settings > Privacy > Location Services and disable Location Services altogether if necessary.

If you really want to get serious about stopping your phone from heating up as much as possible, consider unplugging it from power sources for short periods of time (about five minutes) every few hours throughout the day—or even better yet: just keep it away from hot surfaces like microwaves and dishwashers!

Clear up some storage space

  • Clear up some storage space.

  • Use an app to clear the cache.

  • Delete unused apps and settings (like your home screen).

  • Delete photos and videos you don't need anymore, or that you took years ago but haven't used in a long time; this will free up space on your phone's internal memory card as well as any external SD cards connected through USB ports on your computer or laptop. If there are any photos stored on cloud services such as Google Photos, it may be worth creating a new account for these images rather than trying to delete them from their original locations directly because this requires contacting each service individually with no guarantee that they'll cooperate with your request!

Stop using live wallpapers and widgets

  • Stop using live wallpapers and widgets. These can be a major drain on your battery, especially if you have a lot of them installed on your phone. If you're not sure what a certain app does, it's best to avoid installing it in the first place.

  • Use static wallpapers instead of animated ones that move around when you tilt the device or touch its screen. You can also try using a static background behind an animated one if possible (e.g., use one image as wallpaper and another image as desktop background).

  • Turn off apps like Facebook Messenger and Snapchat that constantly run in the background throughout their usage period; these apps use extra resources when running in the foreground but don't require much power otherwise so they won't cause problems with overheating issues unless there are many things happening at once like playing games online simultaneously with other people who may also be playing games online simultaneously with other people

Turn the screen brightness down

It's a simple fact: the higher your screen's brightness, the shorter your battery life will be. This is because more light is entering your phone's camera, processor and other parts of its hardware when you turn up the brightness.

To save energy and extend battery life:

  • Turn off auto-brightness in Settings > Screen mode (if available). If this option isn't there, then go into Display > Night Mode or Advanced options for manual control of how dark or bright your display should be when using apps that require less light like Snapchat or Instagram stories at night—these apps use less resources than other apps do so they don't need as much power from their screens as others might need if they were being used while charging during daytime hours instead!

  • Lower overall screen brightness by reducing backlight intensity levels until only one level remains before turning off auto-adjustment altogether--this should reduce power usage even further while still being able to see clearly enough outdoors during daylight hours without any issue whatsoever!

Don't let it get too hot or cold

If your phone is getting too hot, you should take precautions to keep it cool. If the device is getting too cold, try warming up the back of it with a warm rag or towel. The following steps can help prevent overheating:

  • Don't leave your phone in direct sunlight, especially when the sun is setting. This will cause heat buildup and damage to internal components that could lead to an explosion or fire.* Do not put your phone in a car on a sunny day; this will cause internal components to overheat.* Do not leave any electronic devices plugged in overnight—they tend to draw power from wall outlets even if they're turned off.* Don't put your electronic device into freezing temperatures after being stored outside for long periods of time (such as during winter).* Do not overheat by using appliances such as microwaves, dishwashers and hair dryers near them.* Do not place electronic devices directly onto radiators/heating vents because they can become very hot very quickly

Try out these tips to keep your handset cool.

  • Use a case.

  • Don't leave it in bed.

  • Don't leave it in the sun, even if you're just outside and not using your phone. This is especially true if you have an iPhone: they tend to heat up faster than other phones because of their metal bodies and glass backs (which are more prone to breakage). If possible, try using your phone under shade or with a cover on top of its screen—not only does this keep the back from getting too hot, but also helps keep dust off as well!


And that’s all there is to it! Keep an eye out for any apps that are heating up your phone, and turn them off. If you don’t want to manually do this every time, consider installing a better app like BatteryCare Pro or PowerBot for Android. The bottom line is that you can prevent overheat issues by keeping your device cool, so don’t hesitate to use these tips in order to keep your phone running at its best.

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